#142 Collecting Scrap Metal for War Effort ca1942.jpg#143 Pickling ca1951.jpg#144 Quilting Bee ca1942.jpg#145 Carolers in Bismarck ca1940.jpg#146 Phantoms at WWMB 1940.jpg#147 Procession at St Mary's ca1940.jpg#148 East Main Avenue ca1953.jpg#149 East Main Avenue ca1939.jpg#150 BHS Football at Hughes Field ca1939.jpg#151 Jumping Hurdles ca1938.jpg#152 Driving Bismarck Streets ca1938.jpg#153 East Main Avenue ca1959.jpg#154 Sixth & Thayer ca 1954.jpg#155 Main Street ca1957.jpg#158 Harvesting Near Mandan-Bismarck 1950s.jpg#160 Corwin Churchill Appliance on 2nd Street 1953.jpg#162 Municipal Ballpark ca1952.jpg#163 Event at the State Capitol ca1940.jpg
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#163 Event at the State Capitol ca1940.jpg